Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Your Power Zone

Cedar Barstow of Right Use of Power defines power as "the ability to have an effect." She underscores the truth that "how we use this ability is the difference between abuse of power and use of power for good." Cedar has identified four different dimensions with goals that relate to power, each of which has two polarities. When we tend to behave at one extreme or the other, we find ourselves losing power. When we work to find a balanced place in the middle of each continuum, we can live in "the power zone." Here are the four dimensions Cedar has identified: 1. Be informed and aware Goal: Use power to evolve relationships and situations. Polarities: Too little information (which creates information) and Too much information (which creates overwhelm) Task: To find and utilize just the right amount of information to make well-thought out decisions. 2. Be sensitive and compassionate Goal: Use power with both heart and strength Polarities: Over-focus on self (self-absorption) and Under-focus on self (unconsciousness) 3. Be connected and accountable Goal: Use power to prevent, resolve and repair harm. Polarities: Over-responsible (introjection/shame) and Under-responsible (projection/blame) 4. Be skillful and wise Goal: Use power to promote well-being and serve the common good Polarities: Over-attached (unable to let go) and Under-attached (unable to hold on) For more information:

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